Those who depend on quality dental care turn to the skilled professionals at All Smiles Dentistry for the dental services they need. If you think dental implants are the right solution to your tooth problems, we can help! Our All Smiles dental office in Lake Jackson, TX is an easy drive for anyone local.
Make Sure Your Implants Are Done Right
The dental implant procedure is a life-changing one. Our skilled staff understands that improving your smile can take time, but it’s worth the effort. How do we make sure you are “all smiles” after your mouth undergoes dental implants? We use precise steps and the healing element of time to increase the likelihood of a successful dental implant. The key is not to rush the development of your ideal smile!
How Long Does a Dental Implant Take?
Dental implant advertising can send mixed messages. In very rare cases can the entire implant process be done in a week or less. Specifically, including consultation and various phases in the process, this can take anywhere from 3 to 9 months. Even so, the idea that your entire smile can be strengthened and improved in less than a year is an amazing one. Our experienced doctors at All Smiles Dentistry strive to make sure your dental implant experience is convenient and efficient for you.
Staging Your Dental Implants
While the timeline for dental implants may seem long, it’s necessary. For those who are receiving a full set of teeth, the timeline may actually be shorter. Make sure to ask our experts about the process during your consultation. Here is the three-stage process we adhere to, to safeguard your smile: